At SIXMIL Airsoft we pride ourselves on having an extremely well trained, knowledgeable and professional staff and marshal team, that we believe is one of the best out there.

Our staff are always willing to go above and beyond when it comes to safeguarding our players and making sure everyone has an amazing day.

All of our staff and marshal team are experienced airsofter’s, and we also go the extra mile to make sure they are fully equipped to deliver you guys the most enjoyable and safest possible airsoft experience possible.

In addition to their specific job role training, all of our staff undergo and complete the following training:

  • Health and Safety at work training.

  • Specific woodland environment health and safety training.

  • Child and vulnerable adult protection induction.

  • Enhanced DBS background checks.

  • First Aid at work training (role specific).

  • Pyrotechnic article handling input and safety training package.

We take great pride in the training and professionalism of our staff who are all held to the highest standards at all times.

We understand that this amazing sport is enjoyed by people of all ages and from all walks of life, and encouraging good sportsmanship and fair play is essential to making sure our site is a safe and exciting venue to visit.

Our staff also understand that their role goes way beyond ensuring the events are great fun and run smoothly, but that safeguarding and protecting our players, especially children and vulnerable adults is at the core of our team values.