Site FPS and ROF Limits

  • AEG/GBBR weapons FULL AUTO CAPABLE : 350 fps (on 0.2g BB)

  • HPA weapons FULLY AUTO CAPABLE : 328 fps (on a 0.2g BB)

  • AEG/GBB DMR weapons LOCKED TO SINGLE SHOT/SEMI ONLY : 425 fps (on a 0.2g BB)

  • HPA DMR weapons LOCKED TO SINGLE SHOT/SEMI ONLY : 405 fps *FYI we use a joule to FPS conversion chart based on the ammo weight you will use with your rifle to give a more accurate max fps/joule limit so this FPS will vary depending on ammo weight used.

  • Spring/Gas Bolt Action Sniper Rifles : 500 fps (on a 0.2g BB)

  • HPA Bolt Action Sniper Rifles : 450 fps *FYI we use a joule to FPS conversion chart based on the ammo weight you will use with your rifle to give a more accurate max fps/joule limit so this FPS will vary depending on ammo weight used.

  • All sidearms (Semi auto/Full auto capable) : 350 fps

  • The MAXIMUM ROF (Rate Of Fire) permitted on any full auto capable weapon is 25 BB’s per second.

SNIPERS - PLEASE NOTE - to use a <500 FPS sniper rifle at SIXMIL Airsoft we ask players to pre-book your sniper place by emailing, or by submitting a booking form on the ‘Booking Page’. This is so we can properly divide players using a <500fps Sniper Rifle amongst each team evenly when dividing the teams in the morning - pre briefing.

Any weapon shooting at a higher FPS than outlined above will NOT be permitted to be used on our site (including the firing range).

  • All weapons without exception are required to be tested on our on site chronographs by one of our marshal team before each event. You will not be permitted to use your weapon on site without it displaying the correct event chrono ‘tag’ that will be supplied by the marshal testing your weapon once it successfully passes the chronograph test.

  • Our marshal team also carry portable chronographs with them and will randomly test players weapons both in game and on the firing range throughout the day, in the interests of detering and catching any persons who chose to modify their weapon after the initial morning chrono test.

  • Any player found to have a weapon that is firing above the FPS limits during a random or targeted chrono check by marshals throughout the event, that had previously been shown to have passed a chrono test will be considered to have intentionally modified their weapon to increase the FPS after the initial morning test, and will be asked to leave site immediately without refund.

SNIPER & DMR Specific Rules

  • Players using a Bolt Action Sniper Rifle have a minimum engagement distance to other players (the minimum distance another player MUST be from them in order to shoot your 350-500fps rifle at) is 20 metres.

  • Players using a DMR weapon have a minimum engagement distance of 20 metres.

  • All players using a DMR or Sniper MUST carry with them a secondary weapon (semi-auto pistol or shotgun only) in addition to their DMR or Sniper Rifle.

  • Melee weapons such as rubber knives do not count as a secondary weapons in this instance.

  • Full auto/single shot AEGs and full auto machine pistols are not permitted to be carried by DMR/Snipers in ADDITION to their 350-500fps rifle.

 Eye Protection

Eye protection of the correct ballistic rating and appropriate to Airsoft MUST be worn AT ALL TIMES when in the gaming area and shooting ranges.

In addition we would STRONGLY RECOMMEND that your eye protection is also worn AT ALL TIMES whilst on site, including within the safe zone.

 Basic Site Rules

  • No weapons (including sidearms or MOSCAT/grenade launchers) are to have weapon magazines or any form of ammunition in them within the safe zone or any other area of ther site except the game zone. Any player caught with a loaded weapon out side of the game zone or shooting range will be asked to leave site without refund.

  • When returning back into the safe zone from the game zone or shooting range, all weapons MUST have their magazines removed and ‘dry fired’ (fired into the ground with no weapon magazine loaded) 3-4 times before the player can leave the game zone or shooting range and re-enter the safe zone. Magazine removal and dry-firing MUST NOT be done in the safe zone.

  • No ‘dry firing’ of weapons outside of the game zone or firing range is permitted, which includes testing your batteries when setting up in the morning.

  • The minimum age we can accept players on site is 12 years of age.

  • Players aged 12-14 years of age must be booked onto the site in the morning by the parent or guardian, and they must have a parent, guardian or a designated responsible adult remain on site with them, which includes in the game zone (as a player) for the duration of the event.

  • Players aged 15-17 can book themselves on to an event in the morning but must have with the their parental consent form, completed and SIGNED by the parent or guardian. Players of this age group can play on site without a parent, guardian or designated responsible adult remaining on site with them for the event.

  • Please make the marshal team/site manager aware of any medical conditions that may effect you whilst on site as soon as you book in. Please also advise them if you carry any medication on you for that medical condition, and where that medication is kept on your person. (for ease of access in an emergency we advise any persons that carry medication on them on site that they may need, keep that medication in their top left pocket of their top/jacket)

  • Any injuries sustained on site MUST be reported to a member of the marshal team immediately so the appropriate care can be offered, and the injury/accident be recorded as soon as practicible.

  • No food or smoking is allowed within the game zone (designated smoking areas are clearly marked within the safe zone).

  • Illegal drugs or alcohol of any form are not permitted on site, and any person found to be in possession of either, or suspected to be under the influence of either will be asked to leave site IMMEDIATELY without refund, and the Police may be notified.

  • Please keep bad or aggressive language to a minimum. Language considered foul or abusive by staff or customers is not permitted and once warned if you continue to use such language as considered to be foul or abusive then you will be asked to leave site without refund.

  • Our site is set within a mature woodland, and as such you may come into contact with or see wildlife whilst on site - DO NOT shoot at the wildlife. If you are seen doing this you may be asked to leave site without refund.

  • Marshals and site visitors within the game zone will be wearing brightly coloured yellow or orange hi-visibilty vests. Please do not shoot at, or close to anyone wearing a hi-visibility vest - thank you.

  • Please dispose of all litter and cigerette ends in the bins provided.

Site Safety Briefing

Below is a copy of our site pre-game safety briefing. This is the same briefing that is read out to ALL players at the start of the day before the commencment of the first game.

Thank you.


Site General and Game Rules

Below is a copy of our site pre-game Site General and Game Rules briefing. This is the same briefing that is read out to ALL players at the start of the day before the commencment of the game if it is their first or second visit to SIXMIL Airsoft.

Thank you.


Please find below copies of all the important forms used at SIXMIL Airsoft. These can be downloaded and printed from their respective links.



This form is required from ALL players aged 18 or over to play at our events. This is a general insurance waiver and must be read and completed in full and signed BY THE PLAYER themselves.



(Players UNDER 18)

This form is required for all players UNDER THE AGE OF 18 (minimum player age is 12 years old at SIXMIL Airsoft). This is a general insurance waiver and must be completed in full and signed BY THE PLAYERS PARENT/GUARDIAN.



This form is requried by players who wish to apply for site membership at SIXMIL Airsoft. Site membership is £20.00 per year, and once complete this form and payment can be made on site to staff at out shop during any gameday/event.


UKARA Registration Form

This form is required for a player to apply for site UKARA registration and must be completed in full and signed by the player who is applying for membership. UKARA registration is FREE through our site, but certain critiria apply before a player can request UKARA membership (see below).

  • The player must be 18 years of age or older.

  • The player must have attended a MINIMUM of 3 games at our site in NO LESS than 2 months.

  • The player must provide the dates of the events he/she attended at our site to the staff member they present their completed UKARA form too.

  • The player must provide 2 forms of ID along with their completed UKARA form to our member of staff as part of the request (1x official photographic ID - Passport/Drivers Licence etc - and 1x form of ID of proof of address - recent Utility Bill/Phone bill/Bank Statement etc)

For further infomation around UKARA membership please see the ‘UKARA’ page on our website or follow this link : UKARA PAGE



This is a downloadable copy of our site map. If you wish to download and print this off for your own useage please feel free.